Froggy's Baby Sister

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* am 18. März 2020 um 2:41 Uhr aktualisiert

Typ Froggy
Marke Penguin US


Broschiertes BuchFroggy's parents are expecting a new baby, and Froggy is hoping for a brother. So when his parents introduce him to Pollywogilina, his new baby sister, Froggy is disappointed. Not only is she a girl, but Polly is too little to do anything! Froggy isn't even allowed to take care of her until her tail falls off. Waiting is hard, but just when he's ready to give up, Polly's legs finally grow and big brother Froggy steps in to show her the ropes.

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* am 18. März 2020 um 2:41 Uhr aktualisiert